Strange breakpoint for ending a message
This has been fixed in the latest release in the app store.
Isaac Lin
Read 3 msg per week, M, T, W, R only. Version 2 / Build 3366
Isaac Lin can you confirm if you used this on iOS or Android? We are having trouble reproducing this exact issue. Would you be able to give us repro steps (i.e. detailed steps that can reproduce this bug every time)? Or record a video of how you get to this bug? This will help greatly in debugging this crucial bug. Thanks!
Isaac Lin
DC iOS. I created a new schedule, Philippians starting from M45, M-Thurs only, starting on May 6. I ran through a few messages, and everything looked right. I tried quitting a reading portion half-way through the reading (where it auto-saves), then reset the schedule, then went back in and got it to recur on M59. Don't recall if I reset halfway in M57 or M58, but it wasn't the next exact one that had this issue.
Isaac Lin
I also tried just running through with the same schedule as above, but without resetting, and M55 shows the same as the original screenshot, as well as M59
Isaac Lin Thank you! I was able to reproduce this. If you see it in any other schedules/books, please let us know. We are going to look into it. Thanks!
Isaac Lin can you share your schedule summary and the build number?
And also how to reproduce that other error you mentioned? Thanks!